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Context Menus

Context menus are popup menus that appear when right-clicking elements in your application. They provide quick access to relevant actions for the clicked element.

Creating a Context Menu

To create a context menu, utilise the NewContextMenu method from your application instance:

contextMenu := application.NewContextMenu("menu-id")

The menu-id parameter is a unique identifier for the menu that will be used to associate it with HTML elements.

Adding Menu Items

You can add items to your context menu using the same methods as application menus. Here’s a simple example:

contextMenu := application.NewContextMenu("editor-menu")
contextMenu.Add("Cut").OnClick(func(ctx *application.Context) {
// Handle cut action
contextMenu.Add("Copy").OnClick(func(ctx *application.Context) {
// Handle copy action
contextMenu.Add("Paste").OnClick(func(ctx *application.Context) {
// Handle paste action

Context Data

Context menus can receive data from the HTML element that triggered them. This data can be accessed in the click handlers:

contextMenu := application.NewContextMenu("image-menu")
menuItem := contextMenu.Add("Process Image")
menuItem.OnClick(func(ctx *application.Context) {
imageID := ctx.ContextMenuData()
// Process the image using the ID

Associating with HTML Elements

To associate a context menu with an HTML element, use the --custom-contextmenu and --custom-contextmenu-data CSS properties:

<div style="--custom-contextmenu: menu-id; --custom-contextmenu-data: some-data">
Right click me!
  • --custom-contextmenu: Specifies the menu ID (must match the ID used in NewContextMenu)
  • --custom-contextmenu-data: Optional data that will be passed to the click handlers

Default Context Menu

The default context menu is the webview’s built-in context menu that provides system-level operations. You can control its visibility using the --default-contextmenu CSS property:

<!-- Hide the default context menu -->
<div style="--default-contextmenu: hide">
No default menu here
<!-- Show the default context menu -->
<div style="--default-contextmenu: show">
Default menu always shown
<!-- Smart context menu (default behaviour) -->
<div style="--default-contextmenu: auto">
Shows menu when appropriate

Updating Menu Items

Menu items can be updated dynamically using the SetLabel method and other property setters. After making changes, call Update on the menu to apply them:

contextMenu := application.NewContextMenu("dynamic-menu")
menuItem := contextMenu.Add("Initial Label")
// Later, update the menu item
menuItem.SetLabel("New Label")

Platform Considerations

On macOS, context menus follow system conventions:

  • Menus use native system animations and transitions
  • Right-click is automatically mapped to Control+Click
  • Menu styling automatically adapts to system appearance
  • Standard text operations appear in the default context menu
  • Context menus support native macOS scrolling behaviour

Best Practices

  1. Keep context menus focused and relevant to the clicked element
  2. Use clear, concise labels for menu items
  3. Group related items together
  4. Consider using separators to organise menu items
  5. Provide keyboard shortcuts for common actions
  6. Update menu items dynamically based on application state
  7. Handle errors gracefully when processing context data


Here’s a complete example demonstrating context menu features:

package main
import (
func main() {
app := application.New(application.Options{
Name: "Context Menu Demo",
// Create a context menu
contextMenu := application.NewContextMenu("test")
// Add items that respond to context data
clickMe := contextMenu.Add("Click to show context data")
dataLabel := contextMenu.Add("Current data: None")
clickMe.OnClick(func(ctx *application.Context) {
data := ctx.ContextMenuData()
dataLabel.SetLabel("Current data: " + data)
window := app.NewWebviewWindow()
window.SetTitle("Context Menu Demo")
err := app.Run()
if err != nil {

Associated HTML:

<div class="region" style="--custom-contextmenu: test; --custom-contextmenu-data: item-123">
Right click me to see the custom menu!
<div style="--default-contextmenu: hide">
No context menu here
<div style="--default-contextmenu: auto">
<p style="user-select: text">Select this text to see the default menu</p>
<input type="text" placeholder="Type here to see the default menu"/>