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This page serves as a list for community supported templates. To build your own template, please see the Templates guide.

To use these templates, run wails init -n "Your Project Name" -t [the link below[@version]]

If there is no version suffix, the main branch code template is used by default. If there is a version suffix, the code template corresponding to the tag of this version is used.

Example: wails init -n "Your Project Name" -t


  • wails-template-vue - Wails template based on Vue ecology (Integrated TypeScript, Dark theme, Internationalization, Single page routing, TailwindCSS)
  • wails-template-quasar-js - A template using JavaScript + Quasar V2 (Vue 3, Vite, Sass, Pinia, ESLint, Prettier)
  • wails-template-quasar-ts - A template using TypeScript + Quasar V2 (Vue 3, Vite, Sass, Pinia, ESLint, Prettier, Composition API with <script setup>)
  • wails-template-naive - Wails template based on Naive UI (A Vue 3 Component Library)
  • wails-template-nuxt - Wails template using clean Nuxt3 and TypeScript with auto-imports for wails js runtime
  • Wails-Tool-Template - Wails template using Vue+TypeScript+Vite+Element-plus(仿网易云)






  • wails-elm-template - Develop your GUI app with functional programming and a snappy hot-reload setup :tada: :rocket:
  • wails-template-elm-tailwind - Combine the powers :muscle: of Elm + Tailwind CSS + Wails! Hot reloading supported.


Pure JavaScript (Vanilla)

Lit (web components)