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File Associations

Relevant Platforms: Windows macOS

File associations allow your application to handle specific file types when users open them. This is particularly useful for text editors, image viewers, or any application that works with specific file formats. This guide explains how to implement file associations in your Wails v3 application.


File association support in Wails v3 is currently available for:

  • Windows (NSIS installer packages)
  • macOS (application bundles)


File associations are configured in the config.yml file located in your project’s build directory.

Basic Configuration

To set up file associations:

  1. Open build/config.yml
  2. Add your file associations under the fileAssociations section
  3. Run wails3 update build-assets to update the build assets
  4. Set the FileAssociations field in the application options
  5. Package your application using wails3 package

Here’s an example configuration:

- ext: myapp
name: MyApp Document
description: MyApp Document File
iconName: myappFileIcon
role: Editor
- ext: custom
name: Custom Format
description: Custom File Format
iconName: customFileIcon
role: Editor

Configuration Properties

extFile extension without the leading period (e.g., txt)All
nameDisplay name for the file typeAll
descriptionDescription shown in file propertiesWindows
iconNameName of the icon file (without extension) in the build folderAll
roleApplication’s role for this file type (e.g., Editor, Viewer)macOS

Listening for File Open Events

To handle file open events in your application, you can listen for the events.Common.ApplicationOpenedWithFile event:

func main() {
app := application.New(application.Options{
Name: "MyApp",
FileAssociations: []string{".txt", ".md"}, // Specify supported extensions
// Listen for files being used to open the application
app.OnApplicationEvent(events.Common.ApplicationOpenedWithFile, func(event *application.ApplicationEvent) {
associatedFile := event.Context().Filename()
application.InfoDialog().SetMessage("Application opened with file: " + associatedFile).Show()
// Create your window and run the app...

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Let’s walk through setting up file associations for a simple text editor:

  1. Create Icons

    • Create icons for your file type (recommended sizes: 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 256x256)
    • Save the icons in your project’s build folder
    • Name them according to your iconName configuration (e.g., textFileIcon.png)
  2. Configure File Associations

    Edit the build/config.yml file to add your file associations:

    - ext: txt
    name: Text Document
    description: Plain Text Document
    iconName: textFileIcon
    role: Editor
  3. Update Build Assets

    Run the following command to update the build assets:

    Terminal window
    wails3 update build-assets
  4. Set File Associations in the Application Options

    In your main.go file, set the FileAssociations field in the application options:

    app := application.New(application.Options{
    Name: "MyApp",
    FileAssociations: []string{".txt", ".md"}, // Specify supported extensions
  5. Package Your Application

    Package your application using the following command:

    Terminal window
    wails3 package

    The packaged application will be created in the bin directory. You can then install and test the application.

    Additional Notes

    • Icons should be provided in PNG format in the build folder
    • Testing file associations requires installing the packaged application