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Your First Application

Creating your first application with Wails v3 is an exciting journey into the world of modern desktop app development. This guide will walk you through the process of creating a basic application, showcasing the power and simplicity of Wails.

  1. Creating a New Project

    Open your terminal and run the following command to create a new Wails project:

    Terminal window
    wails3 init -n myfirstapp

    This command creates a new directory called myfirstapp with all the necessary files.

  2. Exploring the Project Structure

    Navigate to the myfirstapp directory. You’ll find several files and folders:

    • Directorybuild/ Contains files used by the build process
      • appicon.png The application icon
      • config.yml Build configuration
      • Taskfile.yml Build tasks
      • Directorydarwin/ macOS specific build files
        • Development configuration
        • Info.plist Production configuration
        • Taskfile.yml macOS build tasks
        • icons.icns macOS application icon
      • Directorylinux/ Linux specific build files
        • Taskfile.yml Linux build tasks
        • Directoryappimage/ AppImage packaging
          • AppImage build script
        • Directorynfpm/ NFPM packaging
          • nfpm.yaml Package configuration
          • Directoryscripts/ Build scripts
      • Directorywindows/ Windows specific build files
        • Taskfile.yml Windows build tasks
        • icon.ico Windows application icon
        • info.json Application metadata
        • wails.exe.manifest Windows manifest file
        • Directorynsis/ NSIS installer files
          • project.nsi NSIS project file
          • wails_tools.nsh NSIS helper scripts
    • Directoryfrontend/ Frontend application files
      • index.html Main HTML file
      • main.js Main JavaScript file
      • package.json NPM package configuration
      • Directorypublic/ Static assets
      • Inter Font License.txt Font license
    • .gitignore Git ignore file
    • Project documentation
    • Taskfile.yml Project tasks
    • go.mod Go module file
    • go.sum Go module checksums
    • greetservice.go Greeting service
    • main.go Main application code

    Take a moment to explore these files and familiarize yourself with the structure.

  3. Building Your Application

    To build your application, execute:

    Terminal window
    wails3 build

    This command compiles a debug version of your application and saves it in a new bin directory.

    Once built, you can run this like you would any normal application:

    Terminal window

    You’ll see a simple UI, the starting point for your application. As it is the debug version, you’ll also see logs in the console window. This is useful for debugging purposes.

  4. Dev Mode

    We can also run the application in development mode. This mode allows you to make changes to your frontend code and see the changes reflected in the running application without having to rebuild the entire application.

    1. Open a new terminal window.
    2. Run wails3 dev. The application will compile and run in debug mode.
    3. Open frontend/index.html in your editor of choice.
    4. Edit the code and change Please enter your name below to Please enter your name below!!!.
    5. Save the file.

    This change will reflect in your application immediately.

    Any changes to backend code will trigger a rebuild:

    1. Open greetservice.go.
    2. Change the line that has return "Hello " + name + "!" to return "Hello there " + name + "!".
    3. Save the file.

    The application will update within a matter of seconds.

  5. Packaging Your Application

    Once your application is ready for distribution, you can create platform-specific packages:

    To create a .app bundle:

    Terminal window
    wails3 package

    This will create a production build and package it into a .app bundle in the bin directory.

    For more detailed information about packaging options and configuration, check out our Packaging Guide.

  6. Setting up Version Control and Module Name

    Your project is created with the placeholder module name changeme. It’s recommended to update this to match your repository URL:

    1. Create a new repository on GitHub (or your preferred Git host)
    2. Initialize git in your project directory:
      Terminal window
      git init
      git add .
      git commit -m "Initial commit"
    3. Set your remote repository (replace with your repository URL):
      Terminal window
      git remote add origin
    4. Update your module name in go.mod to match your repository URL:
      Terminal window
      go mod edit -module
    5. Push your code:
      Terminal window
      git push -u origin main

    This ensures your Go module name aligns with Go’s module naming conventions and makes it easier to share your code.


You’ve just created, developed and packaged your first Wails application. This is just the beginning of what you can achieve with Wails v3.

Next Steps

If you are new to Wails, we recommend reading through our Tutorials next which will be a practical guide through the various features of Wails. The first tutorial is Creating a Service.

If you are a more advanced user, check out our Guides for more detailed information on how to use Wails.