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To create a window, use Application.NewWebviewWindow or Application.NewWebviewWindowWithOptions. The former creates a window with default options, while the latter allows you to specify custom options.

These methods are callable on the returned WebviewWindow object:


API: SetTitle(title string) *WebviewWindow

This method updates the window title to the provided string. It returns the WebviewWindow object, allowing for method chaining.


API: Name() string

This function returns the name of the WebviewWindow.


API: SetSize(width, height int) *WebviewWindow

This method sets the size of the WebviewWindow to the provided width and height parameters. If the dimensions provided exceed the constraints, they are adjusted appropriately.


API: SetAlwaysOnTop(b bool) *WebviewWindow

This function sets the window to stay on top based on the boolean flag provided.


API: Show() *WebviewWindow

Show method is used to make the window visible. If the window is not running, it first invokes the run method to start the window and then makes it visible.


API: Hide() *WebviewWindow

Hide method is used to hide the window. It sets the hidden status of the window to true and emits the window hide event.


API: SetURL(s string) *WebviewWindow

SetURL method is used to set the URL of the window to the given URL string.


API: SetZoom(magnification float64) *WebviewWindow

SetZoom method sets the zoom level of the window content to the provided magnification level.


API: GetZoom() float64

GetZoom function returns the current zoom level of the window content.


API: GetScreen() (*Screen, error)

GetScreen method returns the screen on which the window is displayed.


API: SetFrameless(frameless bool) *WebviewWindow

This function is used to remove the window frame and title bar. It toggles the framelessness of the window according to the boolean value provided (true for frameless, false for framed).


API: RegisterContextMenu(name string, menu *Menu)

This function is used to register a context menu and assigns it the given name.


API: NativeWindowHandle() (uintptr, error)

This function is used to fetch the platform native window handle for the window.


API: Focus()

This function is used to focus the window.


API: SetEnabled(enabled bool)

This function is used to enable/disable the window based on the provided boolean value.


API: SetPosition(x int, y int)

This function sets the absolute position of the window in the screen.