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System Tray#

The system tray houses notification area on a desktop environment, which can contain both icons of currently-running applications and specific system notifications.

You create a system tray by calling app.NewSystemTray():

    // Create a new system tray
tray := app.NewSystemTray()

The following methods are available on the SystemTray type:


API: SetLabel(label string)

The SetLabel method sets the tray's label.


API: Label() string

The Label method retrieves the tray's label.


API: PositionWindow(*WebviewWindow, offset int) error

The PositionWindow method calls both AttachWindow and WindowOffset methods.


API: SetIcon(icon []byte) *SystemTray

The SetIcon method sets the system tray's icon.


API: SetDarkModeIcon(icon []byte) *SystemTray

The SetDarkModeIcon method sets the system tray's icon when in dark mode.


API: SetMenu(menu *Menu) *SystemTray

The SetMenu method sets the system tray's menu.


API: Destroy()

The Destroy method destroys the system tray instance.


API: OnClick(handler func()) *SystemTray

The OnClick method sets the function to execute when the tray icon is clicked.


API: OnRightClick(handler func()) *SystemTray

The OnRightClick method sets the function to execute when right-clicking the tray icon.


API: OnDoubleClick(handler func()) *SystemTray

The OnDoubleClick method sets the function to execute when double-clicking the tray icon.


API: OnRightDoubleClick(handler func()) *SystemTray

The OnRightDoubleClick method sets the function to execute when right double-clicking the tray icon.


API: AttachWindow(window *WebviewWindow) *SystemTray

The AttachWindow method attaches a window to the system tray. The window will be shown when the system tray icon is clicked.


API: WindowOffset(offset int) *SystemTray

The WindowOffset method sets the gap in pixels between the system tray and the window.


API: WindowDebounce(debounce time.Duration) *SystemTray

The WindowDebounce method sets a debounce time. In the context of Windows, this is used to specify how long to wait before responding to a mouse up event on the notification icon.


API: OpenMenu()

The OpenMenu method opens the menu associated with the system tray.