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Menus can be created and added to the application. They can be used to create context menus, system tray menus and application menus.

To create a new menu, call:

    // Create a new menu
    menu := app.NewMenu()

The following operations are then available on the Menu type:


API: Add(label string) *MenuItem

This method takes a label of type string as an input and adds a new MenuItem with the given label to the menu. It returns the MenuItem added.


API: AddSeparator()

This method adds a new separator MenuItem to the menu.


API: AddCheckbox(label string, enabled bool) *MenuItem

This method takes a label of type string and enabled of type bool as inputs and adds a new checkbox MenuItem with the given label and enabled state to the menu. It returns the MenuItem added.


API: AddRadio(label string, enabled bool) *MenuItem

This method takes a label of type string and enabled of type bool as inputs and adds a new radio MenuItem with the given label and enabled state to the menu. It returns the MenuItem added.


API: Update()

This method processes any radio groups and updates the menu if a menu implementation is not initialized.


API: AddSubmenu(s string) *Menu

This method takes a s of type string as input and adds a new submenu MenuItem with the given label to the menu. It returns the submenu added.


API: AddRole(role Role) *Menu

This method takes role of type Role as input, adds it to the menu if it is not nil and returns the Menu.


API: SetLabel(label string)

This method sets the label of the Menu.