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Application window


API: NewWebviewWindow() *WebviewWindow

NewWebviewWindow() creates a new Webview window with default options, and returns it.

    // Create a new webview window
    window := app.NewWebviewWindow()


API: NewWebviewWindowWithOptions(windowOptions WebviewWindowOptions) *WebviewWindow

NewWebviewWindowWithOptions() creates a new webview window with custom options. The newly created window is added to a map of windows managed by the application.

    // Create a new webview window with custom options
    window := app.NewWebviewWindowWithOptions(WebviewWindowOptions{
        Name: "Main",
        Title: "My Window",
        Width: 800,
        Height: 600,


API: OnWindowCreation(callback func(window *WebviewWindow))

OnWindowCreation() registers a callback function to be called when a window is created.

    // Register a callback to be called when a window is created
    app.OnWindowCreation(func(window *WebviewWindow) {
        // Do something


API: GetWindowByName(name string) *WebviewWindow

GetWindowByName() fetches and returns a window with a specific name.

    // Get a window by name
    window := app.GetWindowByName("Main")


API: CurrentWindow() *WebviewWindow

CurrentWindow() fetches and returns a pointer to the currently active window in the application. If there is no window, it returns nil.

    // Get the current window
    window := app.CurrentWindow()