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The application API assists in creating an application using the Wails framework.


API: New(appOptions Options) *App

New(appOptions Options) creates a new application using the given application options . It applies default values for unspecified options, merges them with the provided ones, initializes and returns an instance of the application.

In case of an error during initialization, the application is stopped with the error message provided.

It should be noted that if a global application instance already exists, that instance will be returned instead of creating a new one.

package main

import ""

func main() {
    app := application.New(application.Options{
        Name:        "WebviewWindow Demo",
        // Other options

    // Rest of application


Get() returns the global application instance. It's useful when you need to access the application from different parts of your code.

    // Get the application instance
    app := application.Get()


API: Capabilities() capabilities.Capabilities

Capabilities() retrieves a map of capabilities that the application currently has. Capabilities can be about different features the operating system provides, like webview features.

    // Get the application capabilities
    capabilities := app.Capabilities()
    if capabilities.HasNativeDrag {
        // Do something


API: GetPID() int

GetPID() returns the Process ID of the application.

    pid := app.GetPID()


API: Run() error

Run() starts the execution of the application and its components.

    app := application.New(application.Options{
    // Run the application
    err := application.Run()
    if err != nil {
        // Handle error


API: Quit()

Quit() quits the application by destroying windows and potentially other components.

    // Quit the application


API: IsDarkMode() bool

IsDarkMode() checks if the application is running in dark mode. It returns a boolean indicating whether dark mode is enabled.

    // Check if dark mode is enabled
    if app.IsDarkMode() {
        // Do something


API: Hide()

Hide() hides the application window.

    // Hide the application window


API: Show()

Show() shows the application window.

    // Show the application window


API: NewWebviewWindow() *WebviewWindow

NewWebviewWindow() creates a new Webview window with default options, and returns it.

    // Create a new webview window
    window := app.NewWebviewWindow()


API: NewWebviewWindowWithOptions(windowOptions WebviewWindowOptions) *WebviewWindow

NewWebviewWindowWithOptions() creates a new webview window with custom options. The newly created window is added to a map of windows managed by the application.

    // Create a new webview window with custom options
    window := app.NewWebviewWindowWithOptions(WebviewWindowOptions{
        Name: "Main",
        Title: "My Window",
        Width: 800,
        Height: 600,


API: OnWindowCreation(callback func(window *WebviewWindow))

OnWindowCreation() registers a callback function to be called when a window is created.

    // Register a callback to be called when a window is created
    app.OnWindowCreation(func(window *WebviewWindow) {
        // Do something


API: GetWindowByName(name string) *WebviewWindow

GetWindowByName() fetches and returns a window with a specific name.

    // Get a window by name
    window := app.GetWindowByName("Main")


API: CurrentWindow() *WebviewWindow

CurrentWindow() fetches and returns a pointer to the currently active window in the application. If there is no window, it returns nil.

    // Get the current window
    window := app.CurrentWindow()


API: RegisterContextMenu(name string, menu *Menu)

RegisterContextMenu() registers a context menu with a given name. This menu can be used later in the application.

    // Create a new menu
    ctxmenu := app.NewMenu()

    // Register the menu as a context menu
    app.RegisterContextMenu("MyContextMenu", ctxmenu)


API: SetMenu(menu *Menu)

SetMenu() sets the menu for the application. On Mac, this will be the global menu. For Windows and Linux, this will be the default menu for any new window created.

    // Create a new menu
    menu := app.NewMenu()

    // Set the menu for the application


API: ShowAboutDialog()

ShowAboutDialog() shows an "About" dialog box. It can show the application's name, description and icon.

    // Show the about dialog


API: InfoDialog()

InfoDialog() creates and returns a new instance of MessageDialog with an InfoDialogType. This dialog is typically used to display informational messages to the user.


API: QuestionDialog()

QuestionDialog() creates and returns a new instance of MessageDialog with a QuestionDialogType. This dialog is often used to ask a question to the user and expect a response.


API: WarningDialog()

WarningDialog() creates and returns a new instance of MessageDialog with a WarningDialogType. As the name suggests, this dialog is primarily used to display warning messages to the user.


API: ErrorDialog()

ErrorDialog() creates and returns a new instance of MessageDialog with an ErrorDialogType. This dialog is designed to be used when you need to display an error message to the user.


API: OpenFileDialog()

OpenFileDialog() creates and returns a new OpenFileDialogStruct. This dialog prompts the user to select one or more files from their file system.


API: SaveFileDialog()

SaveFileDialog() creates and returns a new SaveFileDialogStruct. This dialog prompts the user to choose a location on their file system where a file should be saved.


API: OpenDirectoryDialog()

OpenDirectoryDialog() creates and returns a new instance of MessageDialog with an OpenDirectoryDialogType. This dialog enables the user to choose a directory from their file system.


API: On(eventType events.ApplicationEventType, callback func(event *Event)) func()

On() registers an event listener for specific application events. The callback function provided will be triggered when the corresponding event occurs. The function returns a function that can be called to remove the listener.


API: RegisterHook(eventType events.ApplicationEventType, callback func(event *Event)) func()

RegisterHook() registers a callback to be run as a hook during specific events. These hooks are run before listeners attached with On(). The function returns a function that can be called to remove the hook.


API: GetPrimaryScreen() (*Screen, error)

GetPrimaryScreen() returns the primary screen of the system.


API: GetScreens() ([]*Screen, error)

GetScreens() returns information about all screens attached to the system.

This is a brief summary of the exported methods in the provided App struct. Do note that for more detailed functionality or considerations, refer to the actual Go code or further internal documentation.


package application

import (


// Service wraps a bound type instance.
// The zero value of Service is invalid.
// Valid values may only be obtained by calling [NewService].
type Service struct {
    instance any
    options  ServiceOptions

type ServiceOptions struct {
    // Name can be set to override the name of the service
    // This is useful for logging and debugging purposes
    Name string
    // Route is the path to the assets
    Route string

var DefaultServiceOptions = ServiceOptions{
    Route: "",

// NewService returns a Service value wrapping the given pointer.
// If T is not a named type, the returned value is invalid.
// The prefix is used if Service implements a http.Handler only one allowed
func NewService[T any](instance *T, options ...ServiceOptions) Service {
    if len(options) == 1 {
        return Service{instance, options[0]}
    return Service{instance, DefaultServiceOptions}

func (s Service) Instance() any {
    return s.instance

// Options contains the options for the application
type Options struct {
    // Name is the name of the application (used in the default about box)
    Name string

    // Description is the description of the application (used in the default about box)
    Description string

    // Icon is the icon of the application (used in the default about box)
    Icon []byte

    // Mac is the Mac specific configuration for Mac builds
    Mac MacOptions

    // Windows is the Windows specific configuration for Windows builds
    Windows WindowsOptions

    // Linux is the Linux specific configuration for Linux builds
    Linux LinuxOptions

    // Services allows you to bind Go methods to the frontend.
    Services []Service

    // BindAliases allows you to specify alias IDs for your bound methods.
    // Example: `BindAliases: map[uint32]uint32{1: 1411160069}` states that alias ID 1 maps to the Go method with ID 1411160069.
    BindAliases map[uint32]uint32

    // Logger i a slog.Logger instance used for logging Wails system messages (not application messages).
    // If not defined, a default logger is used.
    Logger *slog.Logger

    // LogLevel defines the log level of the Wails system logger.
    LogLevel slog.Level

    // Assets are the application assets to be used.
    Assets AssetOptions

    // Flags are key value pairs that are available to the frontend.
    // This is also used by Wails to provide information to the frontend.
    Flags map[string]any

    // PanicHandler is called when a panic occurs
    PanicHandler func(any)

    // DisableDefaultSignalHandler disables the default signal handler
    DisableDefaultSignalHandler bool

    // KeyBindings is a map of key bindings to functions
    KeyBindings map[string]func(window *WebviewWindow)

    // OnShutdown is called when the application is about to terminate.
    // This is useful for cleanup tasks.
    // The shutdown process blocks until this function returns
    OnShutdown func()

    // ShouldQuit is a function that is called when the user tries to quit the application.
    // If the function returns true, the application will quit.
    // If the function returns false, the application will not quit.
    ShouldQuit func() bool

    // RawMessageHandler is called when the frontend sends a raw message.
    // This is useful for implementing custom frontend-to-backend communication.
    RawMessageHandler func(window Window, message string)

    // ErrorHandler is called when an error occurs
    ErrorHandler func(err error)

    // This blank field ensures types from other packages
    // are never convertible to Options.
    // This property, in turn, improves the accuracy of the binding generator.
    _ struct{}

// AssetOptions defines the configuration of the AssetServer.
type AssetOptions struct {
    // Handler which serves all the content to the WebView.
    Handler http.Handler

    // Middleware is a HTTP Middleware which allows to hook into the AssetServer request chain. It allows to skip the default
    // request handler dynamically, e.g. implement specialized Routing etc.
    // The Middleware is called to build a new `http.Handler` used by the AssetSever and it also receives the default
    // handler used by the AssetServer as an argument.
    // This middleware injects itself before any of Wails internal middlewares.
    // If not defined, the default AssetServer request chain is executed.
    // Multiple Middlewares can be chained together with:
    //   ChainMiddleware(middleware ...Middleware) Middleware
    Middleware Middleware

    // DisableLogging disables logging of the AssetServer. By default, the AssetServer logs every request.
    DisableLogging bool

// Middleware defines HTTP middleware that can be applied to the AssetServer.
// The handler passed as next is the next handler in the chain. One can decide to call the next handler
// or implement a specialized handling.
type Middleware func(next http.Handler) http.Handler

// ChainMiddleware allows chaining multiple middlewares to one middleware.
func ChainMiddleware(middleware ...Middleware) Middleware {
    return func(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
        for i := len(middleware) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
            h = middleware[i](h)
        return h

// AssetFileServerFS returns a http handler which serves the assets from the fs.FS.
// If an external devserver has been provided 'FRONTEND_DEVSERVER_URL' the files are being served
// from the external server, ignoring the `assets`.
func AssetFileServerFS(assets fs.FS) http.Handler {
    return assetserver.NewAssetFileServer(assets)

// BundledAssetFileServer returns a http handler which serves the assets from the fs.FS.
// If an external devserver has been provided 'FRONTEND_DEVSERVER_URL' the files are being served
// from the external server, ignoring the `assets`.
// It also serves the compiled runtime.js file at `/wails/runtime.js`.
// It will provide the production runtime.js file from the embedded assets if the `production` tag is used.
func BundledAssetFileServer(assets fs.FS) http.Handler {
    return assetserver.NewBundledAssetFileServer(assets)

/******** Mac Options ********/

// ActivationPolicy is the activation policy for the application.
type ActivationPolicy int

const (
    // ActivationPolicyRegular is used for applications that have a user interface,
    ActivationPolicyRegular ActivationPolicy = iota
    // ActivationPolicyAccessory is used for applications that do not have a main window,
    // such as system tray applications or background applications.

// MacOptions contains options for macOS applications.
type MacOptions struct {
    // ActivationPolicy is the activation policy for the application. Defaults to
    // applicationActivationPolicyRegular.
    ActivationPolicy ActivationPolicy
    // If set to true, the application will terminate when the last window is closed.
    ApplicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed bool

/****** Windows Options *******/

// WindowsOptions contains options for Windows applications.
type WindowsOptions struct {

    // Window class name
    // Default: WailsWebviewWindow
    WndClass string

    // WndProcInterceptor is a function that will be called for every message sent in the application.
    // Use this to hook into the main message loop. This is useful for handling custom window messages.
    // If `shouldReturn` is `true` then `returnCode` will be returned by the main message loop.
    // If `shouldReturn` is `false` then returnCode will be ignored and the message will be processed by the main message loop.
    WndProcInterceptor func(hwnd uintptr, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) (returnCode uintptr, shouldReturn bool)

    // DisableQuitOnLastWindowClosed disables the auto quit of the application if the last window has been closed.
    DisableQuitOnLastWindowClosed bool

    // Path where the WebView2 stores the user data. If empty %APPDATA%\[BinaryName.exe] will be used.
    // If the path is not valid, a messagebox will be displayed with the error and the app will exit with error code.
    WebviewUserDataPath string

    // Path to the directory with WebView2 executables. If empty WebView2 installed in the system will be used.
    WebviewBrowserPath string

/********* Linux Options *********/

// LinuxOptions contains options for Linux applications.
type LinuxOptions struct {
    // DisableQuitOnLastWindowClosed disables the auto quit of the application if the last window has been closed.
    DisableQuitOnLastWindowClosed bool

    // ProgramName is used to set the program's name for the window manager via GTK's g_set_prgname().
    //This name should not be localized. [see the docs]
    //When a .desktop file is created this value helps with window grouping and desktop icons when the .desktop file's Name
    //property differs form the executable's filename.
    //[see the docs]:
    ProgramName string